Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Trip to Bandung

It was Friday. After school, I went 'sembahyang Jumaat' and stuff and went home and packed my beg for the trip. The flight was at 8 something and we went there like at 6 something. Then, we have to send the bags and stuff bla bla bla.....Finally we boarded the plane. Ok, during the flight this Indonesian guy sat behind me. He was like pushing my seat the whole time and I was like 'stupid ugly fat guy'. I think he farted cause there was this very disturbing smell and there was no one beside him so I was like 'yeah it's him'. I felt like muntahing. I looked at him and he was asleep -____-. How annoying is that and i didn't even get to sleep. Curse you ugly guy. Finally we reached Bandung. Then we went to this hotel called Arion Swiss-belHotel. It was ok. My dad took the Famliy Suite Room and it was cool. An hour later, we went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up and brushed my teeth (I didn't mandi first). We went breakfast at the hotel and guess what I ate?? I ate the sandwich Amirah brought to school the other day and it was awesome. After breakfast, my siblings and I wanted to go swimming so we went. The swimming pool was quite boring but I am ok with it. An hour later, we went back to our room and mandi. Then I switched on the tv and my brother said that there is One Piece at that time. Guess what?? It was in Indonesian Language and I was like 'ok~'. Then we went shopping and a few stores and went back to our room at like 5 and we went swimming again. That night we had dinner at this place (forgot the name) and it was delicious. That we watched Ju On 4 cause my brother bought the dvd but I didn't watch the whole thing cause like halfway the story, I just realized that I was the only one watching it then I just turned off the movie. I was very sleepy anyway.

The next day, we went to my brother's house which was in Jatinangor I think. It was fantastic. Then we went home at 4.30 and reached to Kota Bandung at 5.30. After that, we went shopping at this place called CiWalk (I know weird name). Then we went Cascade and I bought a few stuff. We went back and slept. The next day which is today, I woke up at 4 and mandi and prepare our stuff to go back home. The minute I boarded the plane, I saw the same stewardess on the plane I went to Bandung. Same ugly stewardess. I had Maggi on the plane and it was delicious. We reached the airport like 9.30 and my uncle fetched us and reached home at 11 something and here I am. Mom's calling for lunch. GTG. =D


  1. I know you're scared watching JuOn 4(that was how you wrote it) be careful amer. It's hiding somewhere looking for you cause you turned off the movie before it can finish ...

  2. oh come on tham....i noe ur scared :3
